It's a Geese Tale
The geese are once again now flying high and free, with wings now wide open they are full of expression, desire and voicing their joy. They’re renewing their self-belief with the time to value the past and live for the present. At this time as healing begins, reviewing the complexity of the time now before, they are leaving their problems, threats and fears of others behind them. They now have just the reassurance of a clearer mind and can concentrate on the future. Keenly in their sites is one of the promised lands, plentiful and safe.
Like us the past is now in the past, experiences had, lessons learnt, misunderstanding, misgivings and mistakes made. But in flying away the past is now left behind them, for the onward journey has begun.
As they travel forward, this is helped with the highly valuable knowledge gained by events already lived. Now they have new direction and desire, this will help and shape the bringing and incorporation of the new.
Unknown encounters, perils and aspirations will sure to be their fellow companions, with this in their minds there is simply the strength of feeling for the pleasure and anticipation of the soon-to-be discovered.
Whilst floating up high they become able to think at ease and with calm of the good, safe and difficult times already enjoyed and encountered. In reflection there is absorption of happy and fun filled times to come.
All journeys have to have their ups and downs full of fright and fulfilment. Right and wrong decisions will almost certainly play their part. But a journey is normally always more rewarding if you can share your experience with another of similar mind and soul. Only then will this allow you to reap the rewards of each other, for each other, growing, connecting with each other, protecting each other and cherishing each other together.
For the geese rarely travel long distances alone, it’s the security of mind and body that makes their whole journey and experience so worthwhile. In the fullness of time this reward becomes ever more established, and therefore being proven firmly into the journey’s real objective. That is one of long-term happiness and enjoyed pleasure. Like us, this feeling will even be extended to those in close proximity such as friends and family. In conclusion hopefully this will reap many more rewards by sharing goodness, kindness and love which will guide us along our journeys path.
© 2023 Stephen J Turner